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The world is witnessing an unprecedented rise in women leaders, and with it, the emergence of a new movement - the healed woman movement. Healed University is an eight week transformative healing journey designed to train and empower the next era of leading ladies to lead with confidence, clarity, and wholeness. HLU is a community that fosters connection, healing, empathy, and empowerment. It’s also a place where women can find the resources, support, and inspiration they need to embrace their authentic selves and step into their power.

Dr Tiffany Ross
Ready to Lead with Confidence and Clarity?
Take the first step toward realizing your full potential.
Join our community of empowered women leaders and embark on a journey of growth, resilience, and empowerment.
Enrollment Opening Soon!
Featured Program
Next Cohort: April 2025
Healed University is an eight week transformative healing journey designed to train and empower the next era of leading ladies to lead with confidence, clarity, and wholeness.
All programs
Healed University
No available programs
Digital Workbook: Transformational Healing
Weekly Live Group Coaching
Weekly Q&A’s
Audio Prayer
15% on Exclusive Merch
Two One-on-One Strategy Sessions
Swag Bag

This channel is coming soon!
Welcome to our free community of unstoppable women! We are here to empower and support each other on our journey towards success. Join us and become a part of a community that celebrates strength, resilience, and determination. Let's inspire each other to reach new heights!
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