How I went from self-destruct to survivor and now helping women and businesses do the same.

Fifteen years ago, I looked at the person I had become and I honestly did not recognize her.  I was a 4 times sexual abuse victim, teen mother and college drop-out  and trying to get my life back on track.

 I was broken… 

Trauma had robbed of my confidence and self-esteem.  I’d buried my identity in trauma and I saw no way out except to escape—so I did.  I left my factory job, enrolled in college and applied for public assistance and student family housing . With my two toddler boys, some pretty awesome family member and little to my name, began picking up the pieces of my life.


You follow you everywhere that you go!

 I’d love to say that was the end of the story and just like that, I was new and all went well but that was not the case.  What I didn’t know is that, you can’t escape yourself and you can’t escape your past.

It seems to find its way into everything— your relationships, careers, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors.

 Without proper intervention, you’ll find your past in your present.  If  you let it, it will seep into your future.


Healing requires WORK!

A year into school I was faced with my past.  I was able to physically get away but had managed to create a life that was all too familiar because emotionally, I was still in the past.  

I had to find out how to reclaim my voice and confidence.  I had to walk through my own healing journey. 

It is not enough to just heal.  If you want to end unhealthy patterns of behavior,  you have to heal, recover and then rebuild the brokenness   Recovery requires action and intention.  Action and intention led me into a place of true recovery.  Action also led me into truly discovering myself.  My life’s mission is to help other women do the same— pick up the pieces one (action) step at a time.